Silent Evening


Editions and Pricing:

  • Original Oil on Canvas

    26" x 34"

    Original Oil on Canvas 0 Total



  • Artist proof Giclee Artwork embellished by Artist. You can see paint strokes, image is brighter; sometimes even additional objects added. Giсlee signed by the Artist and numbered by Publisher

    26" x 34"

    Giclee Canvas 40 Total


  • Signed and Numbered Giсlee signed by the Artist and numbered by Publisher

    26" x 34"

    Giclee Canvas 100 Total


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This hyperrealism painting is very convincing. It definitely look like a photograph, a page right off a classic book. The colors used are very rich and the way they blend together is enough to have it mistaken as an actual photo. The beautifully laid out arrangement of the riverside homes is undeniably remarkable. The bridge lights to a village full of people who have good manners and good fortune outs a nice flair to the painting. This work of art also used mother nature to its advantage. Without the trees on both sides of the painting, it might have ended up looking lifeless and bland. All the right elements were at play, making it a standout piece to add in any living room.


  • City
  • Europe
  • Hyperrealyzm
  • Twilight